Water Resources Engineering
- Surface water hydrology
- Rainfall data collection and interpretation
- Run off data, measurements hydrographs and estimations of yiels
- Climatological data collection and interpretation
- Stream and wadi flow measurements
- Sedimentation studies
- Water quality studies
- Ground water
- Hydrological evaluation and studies
- Design of wells and well fields
- Acquifer evaluation and recharge
- Geophysical investigation and well logging
- Well rehabilitation schemes
- Ground water quality
- Well inventory and abstraction schemes
- Modeling studies
- Irrigation and drainage
- Design and supervision of irrigation and drainage schemes
- Estimations of irrigation requirements
- Rehabilitation of existing schemes
- Flood protection and water management systems
- Flood control
- Feasibility studies, designs, supervision of dams and reservoirs
- Dam repairs
- Design of dredging program for reservoirs
- Design of slit traps