Environmental Engineering
- Waste management
- Solid waste management system designs including collection transportation , landfill engineering collection of leechate and gas and their treatment
- Odor , noise and air emission assessment and abatement
- Environmental impact assessment
- Design and review of monitoring operations of air and water
- Identifications of pollutants and design of remediation and mitigation schemes
- Water quality analysis and testing
- Preparation of baselines studies
- Marine and shoreline environmental studies
- Hydrogeological studies plume delineation and subsurface characterization of contamination
- Air quality and meteorological studies including stack emission monitoring dispersion modeling and evaluation point sources fugitive emission permitting and the design and implementation of air quality monitoring programs
- Emergency planning for accidental releases of hazardous materials phase 1 , 2 and 3 environmental site assessment (ESA)
- Underground storage tanks investigation and remediation
- Laboratory analysis for water and soil, heavy metals hydrocarbon
- Volatile and semi- volatile compounds and PCB’s